Doublethinking About Terrorism

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Anti-Media,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Anytime a bomb is used to target civilians, it is an act of terror," [says the man who] bombs Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan

“Anytime a bomb is used to target civilians, it is an act of terror,” [says the man who] bombs Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan

My Commentary: Recently, child-bombing Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Barack Obama, was kind enough to define the highly confusing term, “terror,” for the American public. It’s a good thing we have such noble politicians like him to make things clear for us lowly commoners -taking time out of his very busy schedule just to help us double-think our way through the ever-nagging cognitive dissonance that comes from accepting civilian murders as a form of AMERICAN political policy, while simultaneously condemning the use of such tactics by others!

Thanks, lizard! Without your efforts, the public might be forced to rely on notoriously unreliable tools like common sense and critical thinking when considering serious matters like these!

“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” – George Orwell

Liberty 3VOLution Against Fascism

Click here to "like" my artwork on the Facebook page, "Liberty 3VOLution," where it is currently being shared!

Click here to “like” my artwork on the Facebook page, “Liberty 3VOLution,” where it is currently being shared!

My Commentary: That awesome moment when you are visiting one of your favorite Facebook pages, and see your own artwork staring back at you! 🙂

That even more awesome moment when you realize that it has 130+ likes, and 290+ shares!

Thank you, Liberty 3VOLution! Skillz!

Show Support for the Play, “ResurGENTS”!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Like" the official Facebook page for the play, "ResurGENTS," here

“Like” the official Facebook page for the play, “ResurGENTS,” here!

My Commentary: One of my oldest and most dearest friend, Damion Sanders, is the most diversified artists that I personally know – poet, Hip-Hop artist, musician, illustrator, fashionista, published author, playwright, and now, add to the list: ACTOR! He is a true champeen! Check out his most recent endeavor, called “ResurGENTS“! Show your support by liking the page! 🙂

Ghonim: Facebook & Internet to Thank for Freedom

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

We Are All Khaled Said!

We Are All Khaled Said!

Ghonim: Facebook & Internet to Thank for Freedom:

My Commentary: Indeed, We are all Khaled Said… in spite of the fact that most don’t even know his name. The Egyptian Revolution started long before Jan. 25, but this date will forever mark the beginning of the end for Mubarak’s corrupt, brutal, murderous regime! Let us pray that it is also the end for US-puppet dictators in Egypt, as well!

A Facebook Page “We are All Khaled Said” Sparks a Revolution in Egypt: