America’s War on Drugs, Gone Wild!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, a married, truck-driving team, who were falsely imprisoned for two months when police discovered baggies of baking soda in their truck at a vehicle checkpoint

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, a married, truck-driving team, who were falsely imprisoned for two months when police discovered baggies of baking soda in their truck at a vehicle checkpoint

Arkansas Couple Spends 2 Months in Jail After Cops Mistake Baking Soda for Cocaine:

(Meg Wagner) A truck-driving couple spent two months in jail and lost their jobs after Arkansas police mistook a plastic baggie full of baking soda for a hefty supply of cocaine.

Gale Griffin and her husband, Wendall Harvey, who haul explosives for the U.S. military, said they were detained for eight grueling weeks while they waited for a lab to overturn the in-the-field drug test that detected illegal drugs in their truck.

“We both didn’t think we were going to get out at all,” Griffin told KATV.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Sickening…

The Hostile Takeover of the US Government Corporation by the Military-Prison-Industrial-Complex is Almost Complete!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Mom Arrested For Not Cutting Grass, Kids Left Home Alone With Officer:


Mother of five, Ebony Conner, said she was given a verbal warning by a code enforcement officer at the end of June to remove trash, tow cars from her driveway, and cut her grass.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The Draconian Police State is the problem…

America: 5% of world’s population, 25% of world’s prison population

No Victim, No Crime! No Justice, No Peace!

The hostile takeover of the US government corporation by the Military-Prison-Industrial-Complex is almost complete… Just. A. Few. More. Laws.

Jury Nullification WORKS!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2015-11-23 - Jury Nullification WORKS!

Colorado Juries Keep Letting People Go for Driving on Weed, Prosecutors and Cops are Furious:

Citizens of Colorado are increasingly employing the use of jury nullification to keep innocents people out of cages – and it’s driving prosecutors CRAZY.

Adams County, CO — Colorado prosecutors are getting frustrated at jurors for daring to exercise rationality instead of blindly following the will of the State. A growing number of juries are acquitting people of driving under the influence of cannabis, even when tests show they are over the state’s legal blood-THC limit.

Since the recreational use of cannabis became legal, Colorado authorities are scrambling to apply rules and regulations to this new reality. They have established a 5 ng/ml blood-THC limit for operation of a motor vehicle, which seems to be arbitrary as there is no preponderance of data to support a specific number.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Don’t let ’em fool ya!” Jury Nullification works! No Victim, No Crime! 🙂