The Depraved Culture Behind the Unaccountable Institutions Guiding American Government’s Foreign Policy

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Outlook,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“One need only look at old US government plans for legitimizing an invasion of Cuba in the 1960s, casually discussing the possibility of the ‘real or simulated’ sinking of a boatload of Cubans the way normal people discuss whether to buy whole milk or skim, to get a feel for just how depraved the culture of these institutions is. We know that the United States has participated in deceptions which ended up costing millions of lives for which nobody suffered any consequence, like how they used a nonexistent attack to manufacture support for the Vietnam War, or the false ‘babies in incubators’ Nayirah testimony to manufacture support for the Gulf War, or the mountain of lies and manipulations used to manufacture consent for the Iraq invasion, all the way back to the sinking of the USS Maine. Combine this know willingness to deceive and manipulate in order to implement longstanding military agendas of human butchery with the fact that the US has powerful allies who are more than willing to get their hands dirty, like the opaque and unaccountable monarchy of Saudi Arabia and Israel’s murderous Mossad, and there’s every reason to believe that the US-centralized empire would not only pounce on an opportunity to exploit a false flag by a terrorist faction, but actively facilitate one.”

My Commentary: Discover “just how depraved the culture of the institution” of American government is…