DNC Lawyers Argue that Keeping Neutrality in Choosing a Primary Presidential Candidate is Merely a “Political Promise”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

DNC Lawyers Argue No Liability: Neutrality Is Merely a “Political Promise”:

(Democratic National Committee (DNC) lawyers responded on October 14 in support of their motion to dismiss the class action lawsuit against the DNC and former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, maintaining that a fair and balanced Democratic primary is just a “political promise.”

“Courts have uniformly rejected attempts to litigate on the basis of purported political promises, including ‘statements of principle and intent in the political realm’” wrote the DNC lawyers. “These decisions have not always been explicit in their reasoning, but they reflect the long-standing judicial understanding that, because they inherently raise serious questions of justiciability and threaten core First Amendment rights of political speech and association, “[p]olitical squabbles are not as easily resolved in federal courts as are some other disputes.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: From the article, “Apparently voters were supposed to assume the DNC was biased in favor of Clinton before the primaries even started.”

Therefore, according to DNC lawyers, the class action lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz should be dropped, and Bernie Sanders wasn’t actually robbed by the DNC…

#FeelTheBern #SelectedNotElected

Keep Paying Your “Fair Share” of Extorted Income to Finance the War Machine, Fellow Americans!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost Nearly $5 Trillion (and Counting): Report:

(Nadia Prupis) The U.S. military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost taxpayers nearly $5 trillion and counting, according to a new report released to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the attacks.

Dr. Neta Crawford, professor of political science at Brown University, released the figures in an independent analysis (pdf) of U.S. Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, and Veteran Affairs spending, as well as their base and projected future spending. Crawford is also a director at Brown’s Costs of War Project, which works to draw attention to the human, economic, and political toll of the military response to 9/11.

In total, the wars already boast a price tag of $4.79 trillion, she found. And the cost is still climbing.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Keep paying your “fair share” of extorted income to finance the war machine. Those poor Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Somalis, Libyan, and Syrians must be liberated from the constraints of corporeality.

“The More Laws, the Less Justice”

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Campaign For a Longer Leash


"Why would any one be a better choice to rule over you than you? Seriously, I don't understand."

“Why would anyone be a better choice to rule over you than you? Seriously, I don’t understand.”

Murilo M.: Well, what I think is that democracy is not about choosing people to rule you around, it is about choosing people to put in action plans to solve the problems of the country and to use wisely the wealth of the country to promote the welfare of the citizens. However many of the politicians are not interested in helping their country, they are only interested in enjoying an extravagant salary and the power and respect that comes with being a politician.

Rayn: Well, regardless of what you think, in both practice and reality, democracy represents a system of tyranny wherein the majority use the State’s legal monopoly on violence to enforce their will over minority groups without their consent. And, since the State really only has legal jurisdiction over criminals, it continuously creates laws, in an effort to turn us all into criminal, and then, selectively enforces these rules.

Our day to day lives illustrate this fact, but here’s a little proof…

You Commit Three Felonies a Day:

40,000 New Laws Were “Put on the Books” on the First Day of 2012:


"The more laws, the less justice." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

“The more laws, the less justice.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero


"The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

“The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws.” – Tacitus

When Slaves Choose Their Masters…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Anarchy Isn’t Terror,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Masters used to choose their slaves... Now, slaves choose their masters"

“Masters used to choose their slaves…
Now, slaves choose their masters”

My Commentary: “Progress” 😉

Bully System, Run by Bully Politicians, Embraced by Bully Citizens, and Enforced by Bully Agents

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Wake Up & Disobey,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The entire premise behind democracy is the notion that the majority has the right to force its will on the minority, and that as long as people are allowed to vote on what happens, and as long as the majority gets its way, then whatever happens is 'legal,' legitimate and civilized. And that's just bullshit." - Larken Rose

“The entire premise behind democracy is the notion that the majority has the right to force its will on the minority, and that as long as people are allowed to vote on what happens, and as long as the majority gets its way, then whatever happens is ‘legal,’ legitimate and civilized. And that’s just bullshit.” – Larken Rose

My Commentary: Bully System, run by bully politicians, embraced by bully citizens, and enforced by bully agents… Seems legit!