DEA Fights Cannabis Decriminalization and Legalization in Because it Hurts their Mexican Drug Cartel Partners

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…



The Real Reason the DEA is Against Marijuana Legalization: It Hurts Their Mexican Drug Cartel Partners:

According to FBI statistics, over the past 20 years, almost half of all drug arrests in the US have been for marijuana. Mexican drug cartels control a major portion of the marijuana market in the US according to a report issued by the US Department of Justice in 2011.

There have been complaints from marijuana farmers in Mexico and the cartels that legalization of marijuana in the US has been injuring their business here.

This spring it was reported by the Washington Post that in the Sinaloa region farmers have quit planting marijuana as the wholesale price had dropped from $100 a kilo to around $25. A farmer in the region said, “It’s not worth it anymore. I wish Americans would stop with this legalization.”

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: Indeed! And, this applies to MANY aspects of the government! Interestingly enough, just yesterday, when I shared an article about police in America operating gun-running schemes here on my FB wall, in my commentary, I concluded with the following paragraph…

“GOVERNMENT: shaping black markets, then cornering them under the ‘color of law,’ since inception!!!” The State “is a system instituted by criminals, and worshipped by fools!” It “is the grand illusion” established “to protect and maintain the authoritarian position of the morally-bankrupt parasite caste on top.” These sociopaths “use the ruse to call themselves our ‘rulers’ and ‘representatives’.”

It Starts!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

"It starts" - Timon

“It starts” – Timon

Oniel D.: State Police: Driver Intentionally Hit and Killed Trooper:

Rayn: It Starts!

Oniel D.: What are you saying?

Rayn: I’m saying that this is just the beginning. The “sleeping giant” has finally begun to awaken. 😉

Obama Shields Torturers from Prosecution

I originally posted the following news commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sought to reassure CIA employees that the government will not prosecute interrogators who followed legal advice.” (photo by Craig Ruttle – Associated Press)

“Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sought to reassure CIA employees that the government will not prosecute interrogators who followed legal advice.”
(photo by Craig Ruttle – Associated Press)

New Interrogation Details Emerge as Administration Releases Justice Department Memos:

(Carrie Johnson, Julie Tate – Washington Post) Justice Department documents released yesterday offer the fullest account to date of Bush administration interrogation tactics, including previously unacknowledged strategies of slamming a prisoner into a wall and placing an insect near a detainee terrified of bugs.

Authorities said they will not prosecute CIA officers who used harsh interrogation techniques with the department’s legal blessing. But in a carefully worded statement, they left open the possibility that operatives and higher-level administration officials could face jeopardy if they ventured beyond the boundaries drawn by the Bush lawyers.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: I am absolutely DISGUSTED by Obama’s proclamation that “YES, WE CAN” protect TORTURERS from criminal PROSECUTION! Regardless of his apologist claims, to put war criminals on trial for the horrors they have engaged in has NOTHING to do with “RETRIBUTION” and EVERYTHING to do with JUSTICE!!! “Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past,” Obama claims? How about the fact that it would help put an end to the egregious human rights abuses that are STILL CURRENTLY BEING COMMITTED by the American government as a matter POLICY in the name of the “War on Terrorism,” with full “legal” authorization!?