Discussing American War-Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Under Obama, the American Government’s Crimes Against Humanity Continue“…

Rayn: PLACE HEAD IN SAND, AND REPEAT AFTER ME: Those who don’t agree with Obama’s policies are OBVIOUSLY just racist.

“Yes we kill. Yes we torture in Guantanamo. Yes we massacre in Pakistan. Yes we bomb in Afghanistan.”

“Yes we kill. Yes we torture in Guantanamo. Yes we massacre in Pakistan. Yes we bomb in Afghanistan.”

Jason R.: What about Mitt Romney?

Charles C.: but how come the “terrorist” get better lawyers then regular amaricans

Rayn: I won’t hesitate to verbally tar and feather that Death-Worshiping mummy, either, Jason, if he becomes a serious enough threat. He’s just ANOTHER War Pig, foaming at the mouth for murder. He and O-bomb-a are guilty, and the blood of the innocent is on their hands, along with any who support them. I will not be led by the Cains of this world – nor the Barabbas’, nor the Shauls. Let THEIR sons follow after them, and let the dead bury the dead.

I’m not sure that I would classify their legal representation as “better,”Charles… Many of America’s “terrorist” suspects have been treated in ways that are technically considered WAR-CRIMES by the standards of Human Rights – and EVEN, as defined by the Geneva Convention! And, this has happened under both Bush and O-bomb-a’s administrations.

Under Obama, the American Government’s Crimes Against Humanity Continue

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Evolution,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Yes we kill. Yes we torture in Guantanamo. Yes we massacre in Pakistan. Yes we bomb in Afghanistan."

“Yes we kill. Yes we torture in Guantanamo. Yes we massacre in Pakistan. Yes we bomb in Afghanistan.”

My Commentary: PLACE HEAD IN SAND, AND REPEAT AFTER ME: Those who don’t agree with Obama’s policies are OBVIOUSLY just racist.

Obama an Admitted Terrorist!

I originally posted the following artwork and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Artwork by Micah Ian Wright, located here, on the Facebook page, "Propaganda Remix Project"

“Look out, Pakistan! Here come our robotic murder drones! (Hope you aren’t having a party…) A message from the Ministry of Homeland Security”
(Artwork by Micah Ian Wright, and originally located
here, upon the Facebook page, “Propaganda Remix Project“)

“If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf will not act, we will.” – Candidate Obama, August 2007

Obama’s right! Women and children ARE high-value targets… IF YOU’RE A TERRORIST!!!

Obama Shields Torturers from Prosecution

I originally posted the following news commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sought to reassure CIA employees that the government will not prosecute interrogators who followed legal advice.” (photo by Craig Ruttle – Associated Press)

“Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sought to reassure CIA employees that the government will not prosecute interrogators who followed legal advice.”
(photo by Craig Ruttle – Associated Press)

New Interrogation Details Emerge as Administration Releases Justice Department Memos:

(Carrie Johnson, Julie Tate – Washington Post) Justice Department documents released yesterday offer the fullest account to date of Bush administration interrogation tactics, including previously unacknowledged strategies of slamming a prisoner into a wall and placing an insect near a detainee terrified of bugs.

Authorities said they will not prosecute CIA officers who used harsh interrogation techniques with the department’s legal blessing. But in a carefully worded statement, they left open the possibility that operatives and higher-level administration officials could face jeopardy if they ventured beyond the boundaries drawn by the Bush lawyers.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: I am absolutely DISGUSTED by Obama’s proclamation that “YES, WE CAN” protect TORTURERS from criminal PROSECUTION! Regardless of his apologist claims, to put war criminals on trial for the horrors they have engaged in has NOTHING to do with “RETRIBUTION” and EVERYTHING to do with JUSTICE!!! “Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past,” Obama claims? How about the fact that it would help put an end to the egregious human rights abuses that are STILL CURRENTLY BEING COMMITTED by the American government as a matter POLICY in the name of the “War on Terrorism,” with full “legal” authorization!?