The Bankster Slogan…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “,” and originally posted it to my own wall…

"R money herds the sheep."

“R money herds the sheep.”

My Commentary: The bankster slogan.

International Bankster Cartel Uses Fractional Reserve Pyramid Scheme to Control All of America’s Economy By Stealth:

In America, You Are Only Really “Free” to Obey!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Voluntaryism,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"A message from your government: You are free... as long as we control your resources, as long as we control your education, as long as we control your currency, as long as we control your internet, as long as we control your military, as long was we control your justice, as long as we control your land - for your own safety. (acab)"

“A message from your government: You are free… as long as we control your resources, as long as we control your education, as long as we control your currency, as long as we control your internet, as long as we control your military, as long was we control your justice, as long as we control your land – for your own safety. (acab)”

My Commentary: YOU ARE FREE… TO OBEY!

Western Governments Regularly Request Google Censor Political Content From Search Results

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…



Google Calls Increasing Requests to Remove Political Content ‘Alarming’:

Political commentary remains a prime target as governments increase the number of requests for Google to remove material from the reach of Internet users.

The Internet giant on Sunday released its fifth semi-annual Transparency Report providing insights into requests by countries around the world to “take down” content from search results or Google venues such as YouTube.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: From the article, “It’s alarming not only because free expression is at risk, but because some of these requests come from countries you might not suspect — Western democracies not typically associated with censorship.”

Also from the article: “The number of requests from the United States doubled in the second half of last year.”

Psychopaths Rule the World! Wake up, and smell the fascism!

Criminals Fill the Ranks of the TSA

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“TSA: Transportation Safety Administration – U.S. Department of Molestation – Big Brother is Fondling You”

My CommentaryTSA: An Army of Pervs and Criminals:

TSA Bypasses Background Checks for New Hires in Atlanta:

Out-of-Control Government Spying by DHS

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Revealed: Hundreds of Words to Avoid Using Online if You Don’t Want the Government Spying on You:

(Daniel Miller) The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.

The intriguing the list includes obvious choices such as ‘attack’, ‘Al Qaeda’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘dirty bomb’ alongside dozens of seemingly innocent words like ‘pork’, ‘cloud’, ‘team’ and ‘Mexico’.

Released under a freedom of information request, the information sheds new light on how government analysts are instructed to patrol the internet searching for domestic and external threats.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Department chiefs “insisted the practice was aimed not at policing the internet for disparaging remarks about the government and signs of general dissent, but to provide awareness of any potential threats.” Nothing to see, here, folks. Move along…