Bernie Sanders, the Professionally-Lying Sell-Out

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Seeds of Liberty Podcast,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"We're going to get the money out of politics and stop the establishment. LMAO! I can't believe they fell for that shit."

“We’re going to get the money out of politics and stop the establishment.
LMAO! I can’t believe they fell for that shit.”

My Commentary: LOLZ

Discussing Another Much-Needed Government Warning Label

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Another Much-Needed Government Warning Label“…

Rayn: “Primitive man and his ‘civilized’ knowledge.
System collapse, and he still won’t acknowledge…” – L. Boogie

“Warning: trust in the ability of government to solve complex social problems has been shown to cause serious harm to human beings & destruction of private property. (Assault) (Theft) (Extortion) (Intimidation) (Collusion) (Kidnapping) (Electrocution) (Discrimination) (Trauma) (Death) *Use caution when dealing diretly with the government to avoid these common threats*”

Wendy P.: Wow, love those words by L. Boogie.

Another Much-Needed Government Warning Label

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strictly Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Warning: trust in the ability of government to solve complex social problems has been shown to cause serious harm to human beings & destruction of private property. (Assault) (Theft) (Extortion) (Intimidation) (Collusion) (Kidnapping) (Electrocution) (Discrimination) (Trauma) (Death) *Use caution when dealing diretly with the government to avoid these common threats*”

My Commentary: “Primitive man and his ‘civilized’ knowledge.
System collapse, and he still won’t acknowledge…” – L. Boogie

(note: though I previously shared a similar government warning label in March of 2012, within my post, “Much-Needed Government Warning Label,” I still felt compelled to offer up an alternative commentary when I saw it again, due to the inspiring nature of these words)