Cowardly Criminal Captured After Being Caught on Video Beating and Robbing Defenseless 66-Year-Old Man

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of the now-closed Waltz-Astoria owner, Pedro Gonzalez…

Pedro Gonzalez: Let’s see him try that on someone his own age. We call people like him a coward!!

Criminal Caught on Video Robbing Defenseless 66-Year-Old Man on Brooklyn Subway Train:

Brian M.: This is crazy.

Brian M.: He,should have followed him and called the cops. They will easily catch this man if this guy reported that. That slippery piece of trash doesn’t go far.

Rayn: He was busted, at least…

Police Bust Goon Seen on Video Beating 66-Year-Old Man on Brooklyn Subway Train:

Jake B.: Not in front of me. No way I’d stand idely by and video this. Throw a hadoken at him or something.

Marion J.: this city has become a jungle again. what happened to respect for the elderly ?

Bailey P.: Wow. No one helped that guy? Asshole with the phone just stood there

Monise A.: The person with the phone was clearly scared. U know he wasn’t openly videoing this. It’s a damned shame!!!

Exposing the Violent Reality of Police Brutality

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Mainstream Media Camera Dutifully Zooms Out When Police Begin Mercilessly Beating Surrendering, Non-Combative “Suspect” on Live Television“…

Rayn: Aww! How thoughtful! The SkyFox camera dutifully zooms out once the police begin mercilessly beating the surrendering, non-combative “suspect”. *heart melts*

Police Brutality at End of Car Chase:

Johnson J.: lolol

Nelson E.: incorporating the arrest… is that what they are calling it now

Johnson J.: I bet he doesnt even have a bruise. Really.

Rayn: Well, consider your bet lost, then, Johnson…

Richard Simone: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know:

Mainstream Media Camera Dutifully Zooms Out When Police Begin Mercilessly Beating Surrendering, Non-Combative “Suspect” on Live Television

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Police Brutality at End of Car Chase:

My Commentary: Aww! How thoughtful! The SkyFox camera dutifully zooms out once the police begin mercilessly beating the surrendering, non-combative “suspect”. *heart melts*

Debating Police Brutality Against Non-Combative Student Inside Baltimore High School

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “School Police Officer Repeated Slaps, Then Kicks, 16-Year-Old Student While Partner Stands By, Watching“…

Rayn: Fuck the police.

School Police Officer Repeated Slaps, Then Kicks, 16-Year-Old Student While Partner Stands By, Watching:

Greg C.: It takes insanity to police insanity…

Rayn: It takes the insane to justify the beating of children.

Greg C.: One slap yes…not 5 but its insanity no doubt.

Genaire: Adults, especially adults in a position of authority, should not hit children. When the parents of this child retaliates with justified violence then they should not be looked upon as the villain.

GenaireNow the taxes of the community will undoubtedly increase due to the issuing lawsuit.

Greg C.: Im wondering what the kid did. It had to be something to bring out such a reaction. I find it really filled with hypocrisy that just a short time ago HBO had “The Wire” on and it was an identical and absolute realistic representation of Baltimores aggressive policing against the drug trade. NOBODY SAID ANYTHING, THEY SAW IT AND THEY BOUGHT IT, with praise and now (politicians) are saying “No, No – This isnt right”

Rayn: Why not wonder how many other victims the cop has done this to before? (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

School Police Officer Repeatedly Slaps, Then Kicks, Non-Combative 16-Year-Old Student While Partner Stands By, Watching

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

School Police Officer Repeated Slaps, Then Kicks, 16-Year-Old Student While Partner Stands By, Watching:

My Commentary: Fuck the police.