Obama’s Fallacious Attempts to Control America’s Economy Through the Red Tape of Bureaucracy Have Stifled Business and Commerce

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto the Facebook wall of family…

"Your New Health Care System"

“Your New Health Care System”

The Obama Legacy: An Economy Choking on Red Tape:

Obama does not get business. He is a product of prep-school and then found his way into Columbia and Harvard. Then he became a “community organizer” in the Saul Alinsky tradition in Chicago. Then he became a politician. He hasn’t spent any time in the world in which most Americans live.

Indeed Obama has been downright hostile to commerce and the private sector since the beginning of his presidency. Remember the “you didn’t build that” nonsense? I mean really, anyone who has worked in the private sector, never mind started a business or made payroll, knew that the president was just woefully off base. To be kind.

Obama could almost be forgiven for the statement if it was understood that he was just trying to score political points. But It appears that the president honestly believed the “you didn’t build that” bit. And that is absurd for an adult. Sorry.

This ignorance of business, commerce, the ebb and flow of the economy, whatever one wants to call it, has colored Obama’s business policy from the outset and as such the economy has been retarded. Obama’s failure on the economy is only second to his failure on the racial front.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Inconvenient facts…

State-Sponsored Poverty

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Washington, D.C., Has Four Layers of Bureaucracy to Protect Against Rogue Shoe-Shiners:

Shining shoes seems like a relatively low-risk occupation. (Heck, even Andy Dwyer can do it.)

Not so, says the city government of Washington, D.C., where would-be shoe shiners have to acquire no fewer than four licenses, with fees totaling at least $337 to get into business. Oh, and if you want to shine shoes on the sidewalk, cough up another $1,200 for a two-year permit.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: State-Sponsored poverty.

In America, You Are Only Really “Free” to Obey!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Voluntaryism,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"A message from your government: You are free... as long as we control your resources, as long as we control your education, as long as we control your currency, as long as we control your internet, as long as we control your military, as long was we control your justice, as long as we control your land - for your own safety. (acab)"

“A message from your government: You are free… as long as we control your resources, as long as we control your education, as long as we control your currency, as long as we control your internet, as long as we control your military, as long was we control your justice, as long as we control your land – for your own safety. (acab)”

My Commentary: YOU ARE FREE… TO OBEY!