Considering the Connection Between Autism and Transgenderism

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The Tavistock Centre

How the Only NHS Transgender Clinic for Children ‘Buried’ the Fact That 372 of 1,069 Patients Were Autistic:

(Stephen Adams) Britain’s only NHS transgender clinic for children was last night accused of burying disturbing figures showing a third of its young patients are autistic.

Since 2011, specialists at The Tavistock Centre’s Gender Identity Development Service in London have seen more than 1,000 under- 18s.

An internal review discovered 372 of these patients – some 35 per cent – exhibited ‘moderate or severe autistic traits.’

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: And, in related news, ”an astonishing 17 pupils at a single British school are in the process of changing gender, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Most of the youngsters undergoing the transformation are autistic, according to a teacher there, who said vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex.”

Whistleblower Teacher Makes Shocking Claim That Most of the 17 Students Currently Transitioning at Her School Are Autistic:

Federal Government to Fund “Voluntary Tracking Devices” for Autistic Children and Adults with Alzheimer’s

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Federal lawmakers approved a $1.3 trillion spending package this month to fund the government through September, which includes increases for several disability-related programs. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS)

Federal Budget Boosts Special Ed Funding, Addresses Autism Wandering:

(Michelle Diament) A $1.3 trillion government spending package will aid those with disabilities who wander while increasing special education funding and tackling restraint and seclusion in schools, among other issues.

The legislation signed by President Donald Trump late last week funds the federal government through September.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The State will now be funding “voluntary tracking devices,” which will be available to “vulnerable children with autism or adults with Alzheimer’s who are at risk of wandering.” So… how long before “voluntary” becomes “mandatory”?

The Surprising Advantages of Being Autistic

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2015-10-22 - The Surprising Advantages of Being Autistic

The Surprising Advantages of Being Autistic:

(The AtlanticOlga Khazan) In The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat, Oliver Sacks describes meeting a pair of 26-year-old twins, John and Michael, in a state hospital. The two men had been institutionalized since childhood and written off as mentally disabled.

One day when Sacks was with them, a box of matches fell off the table, spilling its contents onto the floor. Almost immediately, the twins cried out, “111!” and then, “37, 37, 37, 111.”

John and Michael couldn’t explain how they counted the matches so quickly or why they broke the figure into thirds spontaneously…

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: As an Autistic lyricist, I definitely agree with much of this article. My pattern-recognition abilities directly relate to the elaborate rhyme-schemes I create.

Outsider Artists

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Brooke N…

Brooke N.Turning the Art World Inside Out – Part 1 of 5:

Minnie, I know you probably can’t see this on the computer. Remind me and we’ll watch it. Rayn, you might want to start watching with the Japanese artists at 8:58 min. or so to save your battery. Gregg, I like the part in Venice about halfway through where the art critics talk about contemporary art being contrived, not spontaneous, not urgent. I think you’re able to use your training in service to being spontaneous and urgent. Worth 14 minutes of my life

Rayn: Very interesting. Thanx for sharing. 🙂

April is Autism Acceptance Month!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Autism Acceptance Month:
Acceptance is an Action.”

April is Autism Acceptance Month! Check out some resources on the topic, from The Autistic Self Advocacy Network!
