Iceland Begins to Follow Their Famous Singer, Björk’s, Advice to “Declare Independence”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of fellow emcee, Mecca…

Icelandic singer, Björk

Icelandic singer, Björk

MeccaIceland Declares Independence from International Banks

Iren O.: wow

Rayn: Awesome! Interestingly enough, I just recently posted this video by Icelandic singer, Björk onto my wall because I LOVE the message of the song, and wanted to show my friend:

Björk – Declare Independence:

Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan Rates Rayn’s Music and Artwork on Facebook!

Upon my request through Facebook, peace activist Cindy Sheehan listened to my song, “America,” and afterwards, she was kind enough to post a review onto my wall…

Cindy Sheehan: America…awesome song, Rayn…believe it or not, I really like Hip Hop! You are very talented…


Later that same day, I posted the following artwork on Cindy’s Facebook wall, substituting the word “Iraq” in my original piece (here) for “Afghanistan.” In response, she again took the time to post a response!

Here’s a screenshot of the interaction…

"Be Grateful, Citizens of Afghanistan! America has given you the gift of Democracy!"

“Be Grateful, Citizens of Afghanistan! America has given you the gift of Democracy!”

I want to sincerely thank you, Cindy Sheehan! I truly appreciate your time and consideration!