Horrific Cartoon Animation of an Abortion at 20 Weeks of Pregnancy

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Genaire: Abortion at 20 Weeks of Pregnancy:


"Suction and Curettage Abortion of a 9 Week Old Fetus: (A) A speculum is placed in the vagina, a tenaculum is clamped to the lip of the cervix and a cannula is inserted into the uterus. (B) The amniotic fluid, placenta and fetus are suctioned through the cannula into a collection jar. The fetus and placenta are torn apart in the process. (C) The uterine cavity is scraped with a curette to determine whether any significant amout of tissue remains. (D) The contents of the collection jar are examined to assure that all fetal parts and an adequate amount of tissue commensurate with estimated gestational age are present."

“Suction and Curettage Abortion of a 9 Week Old Fetus: (A) A speculum is placed in the vagina, a tenaculum is clamped to the lip of the cervix and a cannula is inserted into the uterus. (B) The amniotic fluid, placenta and fetus are suctioned through the cannula into a collection jar. The fetus and placenta are torn apart in the process. (C) The uterine cavity is scraped with a curette to determine whether any significant amout of tissue remains. (D) The contents of the collection jar are examined to assure that all fetal parts and an adequate amount of tissue commensurate with estimated gestational age are present.”

Discussing the Cartoon, “Captain Planet”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Sybelle S…

“Captain Planet and the Planeteers”

Sybelle S.: Captain Planet, he’s a hero 

Mandi L.: With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! My hubby and I both loved that when we were kids, we still use that line lol 

Groucho M.: Gonna take pollution down to zero.

Rielly J.: Oh wow now this post takes me back! Captin planet had a mullet!

Rielly J.: Robot Chicken: Ted Turner Saves Earth:

Rayn: Nothing says “cool” like blue skin and a green Mullet. LOL.  “Business in the front. Party in the back”!

Rielly J.: Lol I just got the idea to cosplay at a con like this and run through the halls screaming “CCCCAAAPPPPTTtIIINNN PPPPPLLLLaAAANNNNNNIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Groucho M.: (Sound of shattering glass) You’ll pay for this Captain Planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sybelle S.: I think Captain Planet is sexy. Green mullets r hot.