An Unforgettable Birthday of Scriptural Proportions!

I originally posted the following photo and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Photo taken by my husband, on February 22 (my birthday), right before we entered the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit, within the Discovery Times at 42nd Street, Times Square, in New York City, New York

Photo taken by my husband, on February 22 (my birthday), right before we entered the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit, within the Discovery Times at 42nd Street, Times Square, in New York City, New York

In an awesome moment of synchronicity, the two partially obscured words directly behind my shoulders, when converted from Late Semitic Script to modern Hebrew, read as follows:

“קודשו ושם” (from right to left)
or “w’shem kodsho”

This is translated as:
“and, [His] Set-Apart Name”

These words represent a portion of the following sentence:

“קודשו נקרא עליכם ושם”
or “w’shem kodsho niqra aleikhem”

“And, His Set-Apart Name is invoked over you”

I find this intriguing because right after my husband completely surprised me with the news that we’d be attending the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit for my birthday, on the morning of, all I could think about was how amazing it was that we were going to be seeing and reading the Set-Apart Name of our Creator, “יהוה” [HE IS] (as first revealed to Moshe at Mt. Horeb) from the actual original copy of one of the oldest known Hebrew manuscripts of the TaNaKh in existence, with our very own eyes! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

US Marines “Accidentally” Adopt Nazi Flag

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

It was an "accident"

It was an “accident”

SS = Scout Snipers: US Marines Adopt Nazi Goons Emblem:

(RT) A picture showing a US Marine scout sniper team posing in front of what appears as a flag of the notorious Nazi organization SS, has surfaced online. The Marine Corps confirmed that the embarrassing photo taken in Afghanistan is real.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: It’s only fitting, since Hitler DID get all of his EUGENICIST inspiration for “RACIAL HYGIENE” from the UNITED STATES – where state-enforced sterilization was the order of the day for the “unfit” at the turn of the 20th century!

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics:

Eugenics and the Nazis — the California Connection:

Police: De Facto Tax Revenue Collectors for the State, or Simply “Doing Their Job”?

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

"I know you were only doing 2 mph over, but if I don't write 100 of these tickets a month, I will be fired."

“I know you were only doing 2 mph over, but if I don’t write 100 of these tickets a month, I will be fired.”

Genaire: Must be quota time in NJ. The highway state pigs – oops, I mean “troopers” – are out in force fucking with people.

Terrence B.: Oh stop it! They got too work too. Smh! If not idiots would be dropping the needle then what? Lol

Rayn: They’re “just following orders,” right? SMH! During the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis attempted that EXACT defense strategy, yet the international community staunchly REJECTED it as PURE FALLACY!

QUOTAS were already established as UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the American court system. Therefore, if an officer is given “orders” to engage in such criminal activity, it is his DUTY as a CITIZEN FIRST, to REFUSE, and then FILE A COMPLAINT against his superior! Attempting to claim job security as an excuse for violating our civil rights is just a pathologically pathetic EXCUSE for TYRANNY!!!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Congress Authorizes Use of Drones Over American Skies

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

U.S. Customs and Border Protection uses drones for surveillance along the border

U.S. Customs and Border Protection uses drones for surveillance along the border

Drones Over U.S. Get OK by Congress:

(Shaun WatermanWashington Times) Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s … a drone, and it’s watching you. That’s what privacy advocates fear from a bill Congress passed this week to make it easier for the government to fly unmanned spy planes in U.S. airspace.

The FAA Reauthorization Act, which President Obama is expected to sign, also orders the Federal Aviation Administration to develop regulations for the testing and licensing of commercial drones by 2015.

Privacy advocates say the measure will lead to widespread use of drones for electronic surveillance by police agencies across the country and eventually by private companies as well.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Under the Congress-approved “FAA Reauthorization Bill,” the FAA “projects that 30,000 drones could be in the nation’s skies by 2020,” because “the legislation would order the FAA, before the end of the year, to expedite the process through which it authorizes the use of drones by federal, state and local police and other agencies.”

Great! Domestic drone surveillance is EXACTLY what our brutal, over-militarized American police force needs! Now, we’ll all FINALLY be safe! ::whew!::

Harrowing Homelessness Facts

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

"An Army of One"

“An Army of One”

Robert C.: some nice sobering American facts.

U.S.: Number of Mentally Ill in Prisons Quadrupled:

Rayn: Thanks for sharing this important news! History is pretty clear on this point: either protect all forms of innocence, or expect the eventually enslavement of all. “In as much as you have done in to one of the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me.”

These statistics remind me of America’s homeless figures, which I always keep handy. 20-25% of homeless individuals suffer from some severe form of mental illness:

In separate research studies, 25% of homeless were determined to be veterans of the armed forces:

Meanwhile, 39% of homeless individuals are minors – under the age of 18:

Although we might expect figures like these from a third-world nation, they represent one of the top ten wealthiest countries in the world! As an industrial nation, America’s stats are simply pathologically pathetic!