Meditating on the Concepts of Aggression and Violence

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Statism is Slavery“…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

Statism is Slavery: All aggression is violence, but not all violence is aggression. Discuss. -Ray

Rayn: To me, all violence is a form of aggression, by definition, so my distinction between its types would be those acts based upon the initiation of violence, and those acts of self-defense. With this, a third, more grey area emerges: those acts based on an unequal, cruel or unusual response to the initiation of violence. And, though this third category would likely be the least-occurring form of violence, it would be where the most divergence of opinion would reside… at least, among those of us who understand self-defense to be a natural right, that is! 🙂

The American Police State Targets the Most Vulnerable Members of Society for Harassment, Threats, and Extortion

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Homeless veteran, Aaron Colyer

Homeless veteran, Aaron Colyer

This Homeless USMC Vet Got to Experience the Rising American Police State First Hand:

(Matt Agorist) The hot air and lip service paid to veterans by the blowhards in D.C., seems to be just that, hot air and lip service. Nearly 60,000 men and woman who’ve served their country are homeless and being persecuted by the same system they pledged to maintain.

A video submitted to The Free Thought Project Friday by homeless veteran Aaron Colyer, shows the repugnant reality that is the American Police State.

Colyer, a 4 year veteran of the USMC and Army National Gaurd, tells The Free Thought Project his recount of America’s new war on the right to exist.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Keep dutifully paying your “fair share” of taxes, America. 😉 This way, the State can continue hiring mercenaries in your behalf to harass and ticket the homeless! And, by extorting the destitute for cash they don’t have, these vulnerable members of society will be forced to either go into hiding or to relocate, otherwise they will eventually face jail time for failure to pay the State’s “victimless ‘crime’ extortion fee” (AKA “a fine”)!

Problem solved! 🙂

How very forward-thinking and progressive! Bravo, America!

The Dark Art of Politics

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following quote here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Rant,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Liberty Rant: “Politics is the art of making your selfish desires seem like the national interest.” – Thomas Sowell

My Commentary: Exposed!

In the Past Two Weeks, Israel’s Government Has Massacred Nearly 600 Gazan Civilians, Because… Terrorism!

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Latest Gazan Fatalities, according to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as reported by their Facebook page, here...

Latest Gazan Fatalities, according to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as reported by their Facebook page, here

According to the latest figures from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Israeli military forces have killed an estimated 789 Gazans since their July 7th launch of Operation “Protective Edge.” About 73% of this total represents civilian casualties. In other words, approximately 578 civilians have been murdered by Israel’s government so far, with about 185 of that total being children, and 93 being women, which together represent 48% of all civilian deaths…

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – Gaza Crisis:

These numbers reveal that the world’s “Most Moral Army” has snuffed out the lives of more children than it has killed Hamas “militants” in its latest war adventures inside Gaza! Gazan youths represent one quarter of the Israeli governments total killings, and one third of their total civilian murder victims!

Israel’s Offensive in Gaza has ‘Killed More Children than Fighters’, Say Human Rights Groups:

‘No Safe Place for Civilians’ in Gaza, United Nations Says:

Israel’s Gaza Offensive Has Killed Child Every Hour for Two Days:

Israel’s government is executing a full-scale massacre of purely cowardly proportions – to the welcoming cheers of celebrating Israeli audiences, in some cases!

Israel-Gaza Conflict: ‘Sderot Cinema’ Image Shows Israelis with Popcorn and Chairs ‘Cheering as Missiles Strike Palestinian Targets’:

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Discussing Holy Wars as Representing a Contradiction in Terms

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, upon my post, “Holy Wars Represent a Contradiction in Terms!“…

Rayn: You’re welcome!

One Of The Most Beautiful, Accurate And True Cartoons Ever! A Masterpiece!

Mike R.: In other words: Everyone Sucks. The End.

Rayn: Everyone that commits murder sucks – especially those who spill blood under the reprehensible delusion that anything less than all fertile portions of the Earth qualifies as sacred living ground!

Genaire: Check it out, Ron!

Ron K.: Wow, this is 1 bloody cartoon