Without Truth and Justice, Freedom is Lawlessness and Democracy is Mob-Ruled Oppression!

The following proclamation was inspired by my debate, “Discussing Egypt’s Revolution“…

2011-02-02 - Without Truth and Justice, Freedom is Lawlessness and Democracy is Mob-Ruled Oppression!

Screw America’s diluted, detached definition of FREEDOM, and to the garbage pile with our failed DEMOCRACY! These IDEAS are MEANINGLESS without TRUTH and JUSTICE – the FIRST & LAST of the SEVEN PILLARS of the HOUSE OF WISDOM*! They are the ONLY REAL CORNERSTONES of a FREE society, and the ONLY REAL PROTECTION against the HOUSE OF BONDAGE! Without them, FREEDOM is lawlessness & DEMOCRACY is mob-ruled oppression!

*Spirit of Life

Resist the Drone-Minded, Hierarchical Insectoid-System Before it Completely Desolates Humanity Once Again!

Military-Industrial-Scientific Complex: The Three Profiteers!

Military-Industrial-Scientific Complex: The Three Profiteers!
(Artwork by Rayn)

All throughout history, humanity has fought to retain natural-borne liberty in the face of systemic oppression. And, our worst enemy has always taken the same form: CENTRALIZED KNOWLEDGE, hoarded by the few, to the detriment of all. Once information is bottle-necked within a given system, and governed from top to bottom, on a “need-to-know” basis using “trickle-down” methods, ignorance prevails, and exploitation is only inevitable! FREEDOM cannot live within a compartmentalized, hierarchical, hive-minded SCIENTIFIC DICTATORSHIP. As human-beings, we must RESIST this unnatural, abominable DRONE-MINDED INSECTOID-SYSTEM before it completely desolates humanity ONCE AGAIN! PLEASE LIVE UP TO YOUR FREE-WILL! Embrace INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY and REJECT this HOUSE OF BONDAGE!

Two Interesting Little-Known Facts About Bananas

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2010-02-25 - Two Interesting New Facts About Bananas

Benefit from the Natural Health of Bananas:

(NaturalNews) The banana that we eat with our morning cereal has been used as a medicine around the world for centuries. Known in Latin as Musa sapienta, the banana is not actually a fruit but an herbaceous perennial. Alone and combined with healing botanicals, the banana can be used to heal ulcers and asthma, or to cure cataracts and other eye problems. Research has now shown that bananas can lower blood pressure as well as prevent colon cancer. Full of many nutrients and fiber, the banana is not only a food, but also a potent medicine.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: It’s intriguing to discover that a banana is NOT EVEN A FRUIT, but an HERBACEOUS PERENNIAL! Thanx for the info, NaturalNews! Also, upon further research into the topic myself, I discovered that bananas DO NOT even grow on TREES, but on STALKS! Wow! (This may be meaningless for some, but I enjoy every opportunity available to UN-LEARN a LIE, then RE-LEARN the TRUTH!)