Vote for Criminals to Rule Humanity, or Live Free?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post,Why Ask Criminals for Permission to Live Peacefully?“…

Rayn: Why ask criminals for permission to live peacefully?

"If the State gets their authority from the people, then why do we ask the for permission?"

“If the State gets their authority from the people, then why do we ask the for permission?”

Daniel F.Because too many people seem to have forgotten that fact, and keep voting for the same crooks over and over again. Big money has so infected the system that even those who actually start out with honest intentions have to bend over to appease the corporate big money overlords if they want to have any chance of getting elected and then remaining in office.

That is why the Occupy movement is so vilified – because they know who the real enemy is, and unlike the Tea Party the self-appointed powers-that-be aren’t going to be able to turn them into a seething ball of hate against anything they can get them to perceive as “anti-American” while making sure that their attention is never turned toward the actual enemy – the corporate fatcats and Wall Street banksters.

Rayn: Hmmm… Who did you vote for in America’s 2012 presidential elections, Daniel?

Should “Good Ideas” Be Mandatory, or Is Such Coercion Just Another Form of Slavery?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Good Ideas Don’t Require Force!“…

Rayn: Apparently, the authoritarians among us will continue to arrogantly force their “great ideas” upon us, because REASON and CONSENT are not as important to them as BLIND FAITH and COMPLIANCE!

It’s time for Individuals to wake up, and reject ALL FORMS OF COERCION as illegitimate!

"Good ideas don't require force"

“Good ideas don’t require force”

Jonas A.: That’s right! No “brown” nosing to get us to work for free!  😛

Brian K.: That assumes most people would be smart enough to recognize the good ideas.
“We must view with profound respect the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge.”
Thomas R. Lounsbury

Genaire: Brian how would we measure ones intelligence… an iq test? I know several people that would do extremely well on an iq test yet would be unable to survive without the aide of others. I also know several people in school that consider themselves to be very intelligent yet have not tested this intelligence outside the sheltered environment of a classroom. Then one has to ask himself what overlord would one place in charge of determining this said intelligence the government? I know of governments that deemed unintelligent people worthy of extermination. In a free society however one does not have to worry themself about those arrogant few who deem themselves intelligent enough to decide what a good or bad idea may or may not be.

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Withhold Judgement When Unarmed, Non-Combative, Handcuffed Suspect is Tased by Police, or Immediately Demand Justice?

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Jonas A, after he posted a photo being shared by the page, “Filming Cops“…

Jonas A.: Oink, oink! Gotcha! On Candid Camera!

Disturbing video shows officer tasing handcuffed woman's breast as other cops watch. Beat the police-state-media monopoly. Click share. (graphic by "Filming Cops")

Disturbing video shows officer tasing handcuffed woman’s breast as other cops watch. Beat the police-state-media monopoly. Click share. (graphic by “Filming Cops“)

Rayn: This is OUR tax dollars at work, here… I’m gonna add this coward to the “Wall of Shame” when I find his picture:

Tony K.: This cop could very well have been using excessive force…but I’m not going to trust either a photograph or a video to come to that conclusion. Ever since the Rodney King video and the select few seconds that were shown around the world, I know better than to come to any conclusions based on select footage. Once the facts came out, it turned out that Rodney King wasn’t beaten enough and the injustice was that the cops were brought to trial in the first place.

Rayn: “Once the facts came out, it turned out that Rodney King wasn’t beaten enough and the injustice was that the cops were brought to trial in the first place,” Tony?

Oh, really? And, what “facts” would those be? Please explain exactly how it “turned out that Rodney King wasn’t beaten enough.”

Here is the full video version of Rodney King’s arrest by LA police a decade ago:

Rodney King Beating (Full Version):

Starting at 0:50 seconds, KING is CLEARLY being BRUTALLY BEATEN with NIGHTSTICKS OVER AND OVER AGAIN, by multiple police, while he is LYING PROSTRATE – which is the precise moment when handcuffs SHOULD HAVE – and COULD HAVE – EASILY been deployed by any one of them! At 1:05, the assault even continues as King is LYING SUPINE – again, when HANDCUFFS should have been deployed by officers! And, note that there are at least TEN COPS ON THE SCENE, as shown in the video – many of which were STANDING IDLY BY, DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to SUBDUE OR APPREHEND KING. Rather, they simply allowing the brutalization to continue, as if it were the duty of police to PUNISH suspects, rather than to arrest them! Now, recall, that as a result the police assault against him, King suffered from 11 baton-induced skull fractures, including a broken cheek bone, while also sustaining broken teeth, and a broken ankle. He also suffered kidney damage, and some permanent brain damage, too:

Meanwhile, in April of 1993, two of the officers responsible for beating King, Sgt. Stacey Koon and Officer Laurence Powell, were found GUILTY of violating King’s CIVIL RIGHTS, and in August of 1993, were subsequently each sentenced to 30-MONTHS in prison for their CRIMES! More specifically, Powell “was found guilty of violating King’s constitutional right to be free from an arrest made with ‘unreasonable force,'” and Koon was found guilty of letting the crime take place in the first place, since he was the ranking officer on the scene:

The next year, in April of 1994, King was awarded $3.8 million in compensatory damages in a civil lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles.

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Is War “Inevitable” in America, or Do State Forces Conspire to Keep Peace Out of Reach?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Doublethink is Strong Among Neo-Liberals“…

Rayn: The Doublethink is strong with this one!

"Epic FAIL"

“Epic FAIL”

Katherine C.: Ok, you do realize that no matter what president we get, given the history and present state of the US and the world, and everything the US has dipped its hand into, some form of war is pretty much inevitable.

Jordan K.: Cancer pretty much inevitable too, does that mean we accept it or should we keep trying to find a cure?

Adam G.: Regardless of which party is in control, capitalism needs war and imperialism to stay alive.

Rayn: Of course, Katherine, you comment begs the question: “then, why does the Texan above have a bumper sticker containing the name ‘Obama’ with the a peace sign inside of the ‘O’?” An even better question would be, “why did Obama receive a Nobel Peace Prize, then, if he simply continued this ‘inevitable’ war you speak of?”

Either way, I reject your fallacious Appeal to probability as a cause for inaction, Katherine, and replace it with logic. Slavery is at an all-time high right now in the world. Should we apply your faulty reasoning to this issue, as well, so as to wash our hands of the matter, and do nothing about it? I mean, it’s going to happen anyway, so why bother, right? WRONG!

And, while you may claim that no matter which president gets in, there will be more war, this is actually just Circular reasoning. Since 2004, the public has consistently been presented with a False dichotomy wherein BOTH of the major party primary candidates are PRO-WAR! We have NO IDEA what would take place if this “framing” of the issues were not taking place – with the full support of the mainstream media monopoly!

When our government engages in War Crimes and Crimes against peace as a BIPARTISAN matter of policy, it is completely illegitimate, unacceptable and repugnant, deserving neither our respect, our support, nor our tax dollar funding, as Americans! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Peace is a Human Right!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “American Peace Cooperative“…


“Time to abolish war. Peace is a human right.”

“Time to abolish war. Peace is a human right.”

Brian J.: War isn’t a human right?

Rayn: Self-defense is a human right. “War is a racket.”Smedley Butler

Rayn: War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.” – George Orwell  (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)