Getting Neo-Conned by Doublethink

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strike The Root,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Conservative Logic: Eric Garner ('Follow the law and this wouldn't happen'), Kim Davis ('We applaud your standing up for your religious freedom')"

“Conservative Logic: Eric Garner (‘Follow the law and this wouldn’t happen’), Kim Davis (‘We applaud your standing up for your religious freedom’)”

My Commentary: Getting neo-conned by doublethink.

And 1!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Sara: I spent way more time than I should have laughing at this!

Cat in Cupboard Sneak-Attacks Unsuspecting Cat – Michael Jordan Version:

Rayn: And 1!

Genaire: LOL

Discover Liberty, and Be Amazed!

As I scrolled through my Facebook memories, I discovered the following artwork, which I originally shared to my wall in January of 2015, in my post, “The Law of Liberty,” and decidedly re-posted it, along with a new commentary…

My Original Commentary: “Speak and so do as those who will be judged by the Law of Liberty.” – Yaaqob (“James”) 2:12

“Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is, itself, the highest political end.” – Lord Acton

My New Commentary: Be amazed!

Exercising “Freedom of Association” in Response to Calls For Murder and Nazi Tactics

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Doublethinking About Tyranny“…

Rayn: Doublethinking about tyranny…
The irony of hypocrisy continues…

"I love how progs are always like 'I fucking hate these right-wing Nazis! I wish the government would just round them all up and kill them!'"

“I love how progs are always like ‘I fucking hate these right-wing Nazis! I wish the government would just round them all up and kill them!'”

Genaire: Check this out, Anke.

Anke M.: Cannot happen, but with so many nuts coming out if the woodwork…yeah, let’s level the playing field.

Genaire: Then you’re as bad as the nuts you’re advocating to be murdered.


Greg C.: Hehe, “round em up”…sounds like a plan. Use a big pink bus.

Rayn: Many murder-minded extremists think that their actions “level the playing field,” Anke.

Rayn: I’m under no obligation to allow anyone to promote murder of innocents and Nazi tactics on my Facebook profile. Exercise such “freedom of speech” on my wall, and I will respond by decidedly exercising my “freedom of association.” Goodbye.

Discussing State-Funded Eugenics in California, When Latina Women Were Forcibly Sterilizing for Half a Century

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, after they shared my post, “State-Funded Eugenics: For Over Half a Century, California Forcibly Sterilized Latina Women“…

GenaireGovernment Forcibly Sterilized Latina Women Without Their Consent:

Tammy S.: There were similar programs in the South.

Rayn: Hitler got many of his GREATEST eugenicist ideas about isolating, sterilizing and murdering “undesirables” from America!

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics:

Eugenics and the Nazis — the California Connection:

These sorts of concepts were being fine-tuned by intellectual elitist control-freaks at places like Cold Spring Harbor laboratory, then promptly instituted legally in this country for over half a century!

Dark Chapter of American History – U.S. Court Battle Over Forced Sterilization:

Eugenics Laws Restricting Immigration:

Tammy S.: It’s crazy to think that OUR government would do such horrific things to its people. It’s just sad, sad.